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My world was on the verge of imploding and I was only nine days into my eighteenth year. A high school and college dropout, I was drugged out and lost. On December 21st, 2012 my best friend and I drove around smoking weed and preparing for the end of the world; our cynical minds excited by the prospect of no tomorrow. “If the world doesn't end can we leave tomorrow?” her transparent eyes had grown dead serious and a desperate plea hid behind her words.

We had been dreaming about our great “escape” from the crush of American society for nearly a year- but we hadn't planned on leaving until the Spring of 2013. The idea was to wander around the world with no money; we would work on farms and sleep under the stars, observing and experiencing life free from big brother's watchful eye. Logic said that we were in no way prepared to leave tomorrow; we needed shots, passports, gear, emergency money, and an organized plan. I looked at Anna; drugs had left her a shell of the charismatic and intelligent girl I had fallen in love with in 7th grade. If she didn't break away from her monster soon, surely no aspect of her true self would survive. My heart prevailed “I'll put in my two weeks tomorrow.”

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